Wednesday, March 28, 2007


First, An Apology:
To our loyal and devoted readers (all 3 of you), I must apologize. I've been absent from these pages lately. I'm sorry.

Now, the Poop:

I must confess, I've got some issues (I know, Fred, you're saying, "no shit"). My guts give me trouble from time to time when I run, and it ain't pretty. I've reported on this before, but it continues to trouble me. It seems that running is quite "motivational" for my bowels. This is especially true of my morning runs (no pun intended) when I haven't had a chance to fully "download."

I've tried lots of things to deal with this...especially on race day. I've employed coffee, extra early wake ups, extra fiber, no fiber, oils, unguents, and once, I shudder to admit this, a pre marathon enema (that was a disaster as it led to more stops not fewer). The bottom line here, nothing has worked except for waiting to run until after the "clear out."

Well, this morning I did not have the luxury of a post dump run. Al K and I had an 8 on tap and we both had to be at the coal mine by late morning. We were kicking off at about 9, so the schedule did not accomodate my needs too well.

Things began nicely. It was a gorgeous, sunny, earlry spring day, and we were loving it. We trotted through the first 2 miles at a leisurely 8:30 pace. Then the cramps started. I warned AL K at about 2.75 that things were not good. At mile three I knew that "Houston, we have a problem."

I peeled off from Al K, hoping to walk back and find a bathroom or, if it came down to it, a big tree to grunt behind. I started duck walking the almost 3 miles back to Al K's house just praying for some divine intervention: LOOK, A MOBILE PORT O POTTY! No such luck.

When I was a mile from base camp, I saw a movie theater--DOOR LOCKED! Then there was a service station--NO BATHROOM! Squeezing my sphincter muscles for all they were worth, I shuffle-stepped to the deli across the street--OUT OF ORDER! At this point, I began to have that feeling one gets from time to time (besides the "oh god, I'm about to shit myself" feeling). I had that feeling that, somewhere above, someone was having a good laugh at my expense.

At this point, self-fouling seemd imminent. But I saw a last bastion of hope ahead: the train station. Like a power walker trying to hold a clementine in his ass while striding (I'm told this sort of thing goes on), I legged it the last quarter mile. As I approached the door, I had a horrible thought: I'm going to pull on this door and it will be locked. Then, in about 5 seconds, I'll be standing here in my own filth. But oh! Sweet reversal of fortune. The door swung open and there, ahead of me, was a Men's room.

I sped inside and dropped 'em. There was no time for a prophylactic papering, so I went into squat and squeeze mode (which, of course, was more of a squat and spray).

What a difference a few moments make! How is it that some simple (though severe) intestinal pressure can so dramatically effect one's whole worldview? I went from struggling in despair, defeated and despondent to exultant, rejoicing in my victory in just seconds. So simple, so silly.

See you on the road.


Heywood Jablome said...

Al, now that shit is hilarious. Does this same thing come to pass to you when you ride? Inquire about some professional aid for God's sake, and ours. Next October, when you, Fred and I are guzzling the beers down, I have optimism that you won’t get yourself all worked up and defecate. I would most likely heave at that point.

Moveitfred said...

Truly amazing, it is. The ONLY time I have this problem is when running. Never riding, swimming, hiking or any other sport. Just running. BTW, we'll need to get Fred in shape for drinking. And we need to get him out for some boys night activity.

Heywood Jablome said...

I think we have a better chance at getting Moveitfred Jr. out with us for a boys night. Or even Mrs. Moveitfred.

solobreak said...

Might be two loyal readers soon... although this was downright pleasant compared to the pictures of the fat people. I might have to retaliate with another nodcast.

Heywood Jablome said...

Don't do it solo, that is just not fair.

gewilli said...


oh i know a few who have that problem when running...

and i had it the other day - riding in - after the weekend my daily dump timing was off and the massive food from the day before had me overloaded and bloated to the point i was "duck" walking in my cleats...

so bloated i could barely pedal with an arched back and hands on the tops of the bars...

standing was as close as i could get to comfort...

Why is it this blog and the comments elicit shit so frequently...

is this the toilet bowl blog?

3 bicoastal toilet boys maybe...

Anonymous said...

>>>Why is it this blog and the comments elicit shit so frequently...<<<

Freud would prolly point to some type of developmental retardation in all 3 bicoastals sometime during that 18 mo to 3/12 yr range.

Anonymous said...

That last full paragraph reads like a fucking Romantic poem, not that Moveitfred would know anything about that. You should read a little more literature in-between bowel movements. Such fucking exaltation.

Moveitfred said...

Maybe all those fage were really talking about dumping!!! maybe when Lord said, Along thy sprucest bookshelves shine
The works thou deemest most divine-
The "Art of Cookery,"and mine, My Murray...
his "Murray" was a good, firm deuce. ?

GVB said...

These were exactly the thoughts I needed before I set out for my 6 miler today. Thanks. As I passed the last known public restroom I started to feel sympathy grumbling in my bowels. Grand. Thanks Al.