Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Professional Sports Is a Joke

As the laughingstock that is the TdF confirms, cycling is a joke. And Bonds' quest for the final two homeruns to topple Aaron speaks volumes about the sham that is baseball. Bball is running for cover in the wake of this latest point shaving scandal. And don't say anything about football or Vick will bury you with one of his pitbulls. So let me ask you this, can anyone think of a worse time in professional sport? I mean, there have been terrible incidents--Black Sox, Ali banned, Festina etc. But have there been worse, across the board, times? July may well go down in history as the worst month ever for professional sport in the good ole U.S. of A.

And to top it all off, I've got a fucking head cold and a big event Sunday. But my Mets have come out of their slump after all star break, so it ain't all bad. Maybe they're on the Homer-diet.


Anonymous said...

This is the worst moment in sport, according to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, uh, it's all been like a joke for about 50 years, yo. Difference this month is you've got a whole heap of fucknuts who think they know how to drive the truck, but they don't know the clutch from the brake from the gas.

Moveitfred will speak for cycling: Fuck WADA, UCI, USACycling, Rabobank, and--most of all--Livestrong and Disco.

Hugh G. Balls said...

I kind of like when li'l blondie does the wing flap. Her perky titties are bouncin' all over. EVRYBODY POLKA, baby.

solobreak said...

Sure, you want to clean up cycling, but you live by the Homerta.

solobreak said...

Al, good luck at the tri this weekend. Suck it up and don't be such a friggin' pussy this time. And Fred, you'd better find a way to punish yourself too. Heywood, you can have the weekend off. Just put the T-patch on your nuts, sit back, watch Versus and have a few brews. You've earned it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Moveitfred did the usual Friday Night Fiasco. Moveitfred hauled the entire fucking field around the course all night, chased down all the breaks, and then pulled into the parking lot during the last lap as a non-violent protest against all the fucks just sitting in. DNF--Did Not Fucking want to be a part of that shit anymore. Call Moveitfred fucking Mahatma Gandhi.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and p.s.

This came to Moveitfred as he was doing laps tonight with the wind in his nose:

The ONE GUY who didn't sit on wheels when the going got tough, the ONE GUY who attacked and drove open his lead, and the ONE GUY worthy of this year's TdF victory got sent home on Wednesday.

solobreak said...

He should have just said he was getting chemo (coulda fooled me)