Friday, December 7, 2007

Bicoastal Blocked

Moveitfred's pal Extremeski is currently doing time over in the Middle East, undoubtedly working hard to improve East/West relations on all manner of political and social issues. So yesterday Moveitfred sent Extreme an email with a tiny little tidbit of fun, some sort of joke plus link to...oh, perhaps...a gay internet site of one kind or another. Moveitfred really doesn't remember the details beyond it being the kind of random, adolescent joke that helps Moveitfred get through the day.

So according to Extreme Big Brother Basheer got ahold of the email and managed to block the link with the stern warning that the content of the email was "not consistent with the political, moral, religious and ethical values of the United Arab Emirates." Moveitfred is all cool and down with that. Moveitfred's bad. Moveitfred realizes in hindsight that his attempt at a light chuckle could easily contribute to the crumbling of a people that hold together their society with the highest consideration for equality and tolerance and justice.

But here's the thing. Extremeski pointed out to Moveitfred that while she was unable to access the little gay site he sent her, she has no trouble whatsoever busting open the 3Bicoastalboys blog through her Middle East connection.

What the EFF? That's EFFED UP! Boys, Moveitfred is ashamed. Abbud and Fareed can't hold hands and browse GayMart dot com together on their laptop, but they can get their jiggles by perusing the Bicoastals?

Moveitfred feels the bicoastals have completely failed in the mission they set forth to accomplish.


Anonymous said...

[موفيتفرد] [دووشبغ] إجماليّة.

Anonymous said...

Thank you MIF.

You have brought a smile to E-ski's face. The days are long, the sun is hot, the birkas are restricting and the beers are non-existent, so the blog is all I have.

Heywood Jablome said...

you also have lots of sand and camels to pal around with. That should lift your spirits.