Thursday, January 4, 2007

Off Season Shit

Moveitfred sez:

Moveitfred don't have much to say other than a howdy to all the faithful and ain't it good to bump Al down the page.

Got in a mild spin through the woods on the mountain bike today with C.C. (DeVille). Al B and Al K couldn't seem to find the time to join the men-in-the-woods slather & sweat boogie, however the rumor mill is spinning with the tale of Al purchasing some form of off-road rig today that he will break in on the hardscrabble Long Island trails this coming Sunday.

Moveitfred's pal Felt is all in a bunch over what kind of off-season regime to undertake in order to vault his ass further up the standings next year. Well, Moveitfred ain't the guy to ask for advice. Moveitfred's off-season routine consists of a bunch of random workout shit punctuated by long stretches of eating and inactivity. Will this year be any different?

Actually, Moveitfred did commit to paper a workout plan for the month of January. Four days in and he is right fucking on target! Even though those of us here in the NE are experiencing Heywood Jablome-like weather that is conducive to long outdoor cycling miles, Moveitfred is going to work into the equation this winter two sessions of trail running a week. He is also going to focus on, at least for the month of January, lots of mountain biking and rollers to try to wire the brain for some more off-balance comfort. That along with the usual yoga should be a good start to the year.

And ps, Moveitfred is mourning the passing of The Godfather. Hit me, heeeeeeeeey!


Heywood Jablome said...

Fred, when are you going to discover the benefits of a rain coat for your long-limbed frame?

Hugh G. Balls said...

"Moveitfred's off-season routine consists of a bunch of random workout shit punctuated by long stretches of eating and inactivity."

What I love about this shit is that it makes it sound like Fred-O has a different routine for in season. And/or that there is an "in" season for the ever motile Fred.

gewilli said...

gewilli is begining to wonder if MIF ever actually does more than talk about riding the bike...

Hugh G. Balls said...

I've seen your ass crack in your ultra sheer bib shorts (ghetto, broke-ass bib shorts). It don't look like cloud boys, and it ain't svelte. but even a steer can try.