Monday, April 9, 2007

Met-Al Madness!

Bwwwwwwwwhaaaahaaaahaaaaaaaaa! Moveitfred done went and stole a prime-time title out from the clutches of Al Bangorhard!

Our hero, Al, and a factory co-hort, Benny Wonderlick, blew off the assembly line early today in order to catch the Mets home opener at Shea. Moveitfred will leave the tales of heroic athletic feats to the loquacious skills of Mr. Bangorhard, however Moveitfred would be remiss if he did not explore with some detail the bag o' Met gear that Al stashed under the sagging, torn seats of his piece o' shit Camry.

Al, for you other two readers out there, is, indeed, Mr. Met.

Moveitfred pulled into the factory parking lot this morning and found a space next to Al's ride, thereby enabling him to take inventory of all the Met gear stashed into a grocery bag. Al has the Mets baseball cap, the Mets t-shirt, the Mets official warmup jacket, the Mets pants. (Al also has a big o' fucking head like the real Mr. Met). Al even has big Mets shoes, which are like clown shoes that honk every time he takes a step.

Al, Moveitfred will be rooting right along with you through the dog days of summer in order to propel the home team right back into the fall classic where they belong!

In other news, as Heywood mentioned so correctly, Moveitfred and family spent an idyllic spring break in the wilds of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In all, standard American fun that is just all too boring to retell in any meaningful way.

So, on to still other news. Moveitfred experimented with a full tri workout today. Running, cycling, and yoga. Tri, right Al?


GVB said...

Oh Good it Yankees season AGAIN? Al is utterly intolerable on a daily basis anyway...but from April to September? What's a word for more than intolerable? I'm not good with words. Someone help me out.

I checked, and it is indeed baseball season. my hometown 9 got snowed out of an entire series in Cleveland. Snowed out? An entire series? Um, we don't have enough warm weather teams and domed stadiums to get through the first two weeks of April?

Heywood Jablome said...

Fred thanks for the nice investigative work. I always suspected Al was under that big head in the stands. Al should apply for the position when Mr. Met retires. I wish the best for the Mets although if they make it to the big game, the California Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim are going to destroy them.

Little know fact to follow. Heywood played ball with, attending high school with, and graduated with a former met who hit the cycle in July of 2004. Oh yeah baby. Go Comanches.

megA said...

there is nothing I like more than munching on yummy food in my beautiful stadium--camden yards.

go Os!!!!