Saturday, January 20, 2007


Ok, I admit it. I am a bit of a wuss. (How does one spell "wuss"?) Tomorrow is the Manhattan 1/2 Marathon, and I've got some worries. I'll start with the smallest concern:

1) The course is much tougher than I remember. I was just looking at the course is two loops around Central Park with a finish on 102nd street. For those of you in the know, you know this is CHALLENGING! Two loops = 2 times up the steep "Cat Hill," 2 times up the long grade on the east side by the museum (about a mile long grade), 2 times up the STEEP/ LONG hill at the extreme north end of the park (this hill is a bitch). Ugh! I may scale back that 8 minute per mile plan. I'll see how I feel.

2) COLD. The weather is supposed to be in the 20s and windy at race start. Once I'm running, no issue really. But race day sign up is at 7 and race start is at 8:30. Ouch. also the start is at 84th and the finish at 102nd, which means some post race maneuvers to get back to subway or car. Al plans to bring some shitty old clothes and toss them at race start. Garbage bags are good in the plan too. (Black plastic = ghetto space blanket, y'all.)

Happy Trails, Fred. Wish Cracky and I were joining you out at Calverton...


Hugh G. Balls said...

Suck it up, pussy. Me and my balls are running. (We start with the disabled runners. I bought a double jogger on Craig's List {for a steal} that I drop these bad boys in.)

GVB said...

Take the cold over the wet miserable slop whenever you can get it, Al. Run like you stole something.
And I'm sure more than one Park resident will be happy to "clean up" your discarded clothes for you. Let's keep them in mind when you choose your fashion for the morning.