Thursday, April 26, 2007


Well, a few bits of flotsam and jetsom to cover folks:

1) AL-ec

Many have complained about Alec Baldwin's rant on his daughter's voicemail. Well, we've just now heard the explanation. Baldwin was running lines for a reprise of his award winning character, Blake, in the upcoming sequel "Glengarry Glen Ross 2: Shelley Levene Strikes Back."

And remember, Coffee is for closers, you fucks.

2) Giuliani the Jackass: In the wake of Giuliani's ludicrous vote for me or die here's Keith Olbermann kicking Rudy's ass from here to Iraq and back.

3) And since I don't want to veer completely away from the sporting life, here's a little something from The Onion:
NEWPORT, RI–Some rich guy came in first Monday in that big, famous yacht race held every year at the Newport Yacht Club, a big, fancy yacht place with "a whole lot of really expensive-looking boats and shit," sources reported.

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