Tuesday, June 5, 2007


So Moveitfred still felt like simmered caca this morning and made an appointment with Dr. Feelgood to try to get a handle on this poison racing through his body. Moveitfred's symptoms? Lethargy and lack of motivation (both very common daily occurrences for Moveitfred) coupled with searing pain and bloating from the neck up.

Doc did the detailed probe and came to the conclusion that Moveitfred has a double ear infection along with severe barotrauma. Now this second piece of the diagnostic puzzle is a new one for Moveitfred, and with his plugged Eustachian tubes he thought he heard the doc say "AlBtrauma." Moveitfred immediately sat bolt upright on the crinkly-paper exam table and screamed, "Yes! Definitely AlBtrauma, doc! Moveitfred just spent three whole days listening to that douchebag yammer on and on and on. Tell Moveitfred he didn't cause permanent damage, will ya doc..."

Doc didn't say much other than to give Moveitfred a scrip for Zithromax and an escort out the front door.


Moveitfred said...

Don't try laying this shit on me, yo. Al B don't play. If I was the root cause, it wouldn't be your eardrum that was irritated, outsized, and bleeding. The trauma would be elsewhere, dig?

Heywood Jablome said...

You may not be the root cause but, is your root the cause of the problem?

Moveitfred said...

I think you're getting the drift of things. I had to get a little "Phoenix" on his ass. You feelin' me?

megA said...

can i feel too?

Moveitfred said...

Course. But I hope you can handle the Al B trauma better than Fred-o.