Thursday, January 24, 2008


After weeks and weeks of no contact and with individuals continually pestering Moveitfred to solve the mystery and shed some light on the situation, Moveitfred actually both sighted and spoke to Al Bangorhard today.

Moveitfred was able to knock off a quickie photo of Al with his cellie camera, and let Moveitfred just say there was something...uh...different about Al. He just didn't seem himself. Perhaps a changed man, or some such transformation? Moveitfred's not sure.

Al showed up at the factory not quite dressed to code, but besides that what captivated Moveitfred was Al's stories of heroism and adventure from these past weeks.

Apparently Al went all Chris McCandless on us, dropping out of the world of technology and human contact and into a much darker place of spiritual wildness. Al spoke in strings of rambling, garbled thoughts about "federal corruption" and "the temple of his manhood" and "the mysterious vulva of earth." There was also talk of great floods, squalor, and vast expanses of wilderness.

Crazy, weird-ass shit.

In all Moveitfred had a hard time connecting the dots and getting a handle on the whole situation but, regardless, it's comforting to see Al back and feeling good about himself.

Perhaps one day he will even post something on this blog.


solobreak said...

Nice socks, but where's his TheraCane? Did Anna take it?

Heywood Jablome said...

Why did Al have his shirt off? What was going on prior to this picture? Was this taken in the factory? Strange place. Al, come home!

Anonymous said...

All Moveitfred can say is that he scrubbed himself raw with a loofah sponge after seeing Al in this condition.