Sunday, January 20, 2008


With 2008 firmly in our grips, the time has come to start planning the racing/training year. Main goal this year, improve my overall aerobic fitness level. The power seems to be there in short bursts. And technical skills have been my strength, carrying me nearly every ride. What pulls me down like an anchor is my freaking cardiovascular and pulmonary systems or lack there of. Stuffed into my elfin thoracic cavity is the heart of a lab rat and lungs from a 92 year old life time smoker. I pledge to cut the smoking this year and quit looking for cheese all day long. Instead, lots of hours on the bike following a rigid training program.

This was week was Base week 1 and it went down the toilet, literarily. After almost one solid week of training, some stomach bug infected the Wood household and wiped us all out. Shit was coming out of both ends. A liter of saline in the arm helped rehydrate the body since I could not keep anything down.

With two days of moping around, doing as little as possible I am feeling much better. Lets hope week 2 goes much better.

So back the whole racing thing. I have picked out a few races I would like to do this year.

Cool Mtb race, March 9th
Dirt Classic Mtb, April 13th
Downieville Downhill Classic, July 12-13
California Fireman's Olympics

The Downieville race is priority number 1. I am hoping that an enhanced aerobic fitness level will help me with another goal, TO RIDE THE CHEF INTO THE GROUND. I am tired of him chipping his teeth the whole way up a long arduous climb while I am gasping for air. Complete destruction is the only option.

There will also be cyclocross races but who knows what that schedule will look like. I do know that I will be out on the east coast for the world cup race and Glouceter for sure. Fred, get my room ready ASAP!


Anonymous said...

Nice Wood. The dog crate is ready. She's in heat right now so things are a little bloody, but that should all blow over by the time you're here.

Heywood Jablome said...

I hope I am not still in heat too!

Anonymous said...

Wood, while I would like to say that it is only in your dreams that you could kick my husband's ass on a bike, I'm afraid it is only a matter of time since his current training regimin appears to include a tour of local coffee houses.

Anonymous said...

I may have set the bar a little high for you with last years performance but, you might be able to beat 4 hours with all your professional help and all.