Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday With Fred

Gorgeous day in the neighborhood today, kids, and Moveitfred had a wide-open schedule. Moveitfred returns to the factory next week. He is looking forward to seeing his boss and all the smiling faces of his co-workers as they return to begin a new production cycle. Even our good friend Al should be back to the grind soon enough, adding his own special mayhem to the mix.

After some jerking around this morning while waiting for the drizzles to clear out of the area, Moveitfred prepped for a road ride on the Serotta. Moveitfred switched out his wheels before the ride, removing his Speed Dreams and replacing them with the trusty, beat-'em-up Open Pros. The Speedies are cool hoops, but there is something comforting about the OPs. Moveitfred's got the standard 3 cross, DT spokes and Record hubs to round out the package. Nothing fancy, just damn nice, solid wheels. Can Moveitfred get an Amen for Mavic?

Moveitfred got out for a modest 2 1/2 hours. The legs were a bit sluggish after doing a little ILT on the trainer last night. Rewind prior to last night and earlier in the day Moveitfred went out on a recon ride on the mtb with Callin' All Clarkes to a local patch of woods in town. Turned out to be a less than spectacular find. The trail was not marked and difficult to figure out. Moveitfred was fucking bamboozled half the time. There were lots of tight, technical sections that caught Moveitfred by surprise and caused him to do the dab and crawl. In all, it was fucked up and the two boys bailed out early.

But today, nice. Again, pleasantly mild here on the island paradise. Now, Moveitfred has no fucking idea how to do the movie shit that all the other clever mofos out there seem to be getting into, so Moveitfred is going to pass along a few old school photogs for your viewing pleasure.

Moveitfred calls this: Bike Shit On The Porch

Moveitfred calls this: Kneel On Front Porch/Put Shoe On/Shoot Sky

Moveitfred calls this: Heywood Jablome Memorial Hole

Moveitfred calls this: Scary Tree Limbs Tickle Port Jeff Harbor
Moveitfred calls this: Dead People In Historic Cemetery

Moveitfred calls this: Approximately Equal To A Roof Collapse
Moveitfred calls this: Misguided Snot on Leg Wiped With Glove