Saturday, April 7, 2007


This morning it was colder than your best friend bangin' your significant other (while wearing your slippers and drinking your last Heineken).

I was out at 7:30 AM on the Cervelo for some laps around the closest thing we have to a velodrome around here...Cedar Creek Park. There's a central circuit of blacktop at the park that rings the playground, tennis courts, and ballfields. It is a bit more than a mile around and has a hill with some banking that is velodrome reminiscent in one spot.

In short, it is a quiet, smooth circuit that is good for some mile pumping. But when I got out, the temp was reading 30 degrees. And this does not account for the wind. Cedar Creek is on the water, and it was a-blowin' this morning on the Great South Bay! I shivered my way through 4 laps and scooted back to the car where I put on another layer and a third pair of gloves. This made it workable on the side where the wind hits your back. On the flipside, I hunkered down on the aeros and pumped on through.

I was hoping to see some of the riders who frequent this loop. But I was alone for the first 18 miles. (YOU PUSSIES!) Then a guy with a QR aero bike pulled up. But by the time he was unpacked and layered up, I was on mile 23 of 25. If it were a few miles earlier, I would have hooked up for some loops. But, at that point, I just wanted to finish. I pumped through my final two loops and called it good with 25 chilly miles under the belt.

In other news, Moveitfred is back from his outting to Virginny. (Freddy, hope there were no incidents involving buggery and banjoes.)

And, finally, a big shout-out to Heywood. Woody, much love brother. We're thinking of you here in NY.

Bangorhard OUT!


Anonymous said...

You're setting yourself up for a big fucking letdown with these titles, holmes.

When running the back roads Moveitfred tightened up and waddled whenever a pickup rolled by, which seems to be the only vehicle sold in the greater Roanoke area.

Moveitfred said...

Mountain Man: What do you want to do now?
Toothless Man: [grinning] He's got a real pretty mouth on him, don't he?
Mountain Man: Ain't that the truth.
Toothless Man: [to Ed] You gonna do some prayin' for me, boy. And you better pray real good.

Heywood Jablome said...

You ladies on the east coast are some tough mofo's. If the mercury reads anything below 60, I'm snuggled up in bed reading Where the Red Fern Grows. Way to stick it out Al.

So after having the new bike for a few weeks, what do ya think?

Thanks Al, you’re great! Now just post more.

Moveitfred said...

Love the Cervelo. Love it. I want to get some more time on the Zipp tubs. But so 'em!

And it was a cold mutha out there. Fred and I were out in a good deal colder, though. We did a MTB one day mid winter where my feet were actually throbbing with pain while I held them under the car heater after the ride. That day was about zero with the wind chill. What can you do, though? Trainer rides suck!

Anonymous said...

Do you always cry when the hound dies?

Heywood Jablome said...

Every f*%$ing time. I hate lions.

Anonymous said...

Moveitfred cries too.

Lions are bad, bad animals.