Sunday, May 6, 2007


So there it was, 10 PM last evening. I'd just returned from a Cinco de Mayo party at Moveitfred's, and I was laying out my goods for the LI 1/2 Marathon this morning. I pulled out the socks and shorts. I grabbed some shit clothes to peel and toss roadside, since it was to be very cold this morning, and I grabbed my watch. Now this watch is about a year old and I'd used it only a day earlier to clock a 5er; nonetheless, the fucker was blank faced. Shit. Back in the car. At 10 pm Sat night, you can't find a place to buy a new timex ironman piece of shit plastic watch. But you can find a drugstore open late that sells batteries...and I did. But when I got home and opened the aformentioned piece of shit plastic watch up, what I saw startled me. There was a whole apparatus that needed to be removed before the battery would come free. There was a plastic liner, a metal cover, a small wire clamp, and two wire clasps. After about 5 minutes of fucking about, I'd busted the bastard beyond repair.

This morning (5:45 AM) I searched around frantically thinking, I must have an old piece of shit plastic watch around somewhere. WRONG! So I sucked it up and ran sans chronometer. This lead to begging a lot of the nearby runners "hey brother, can you spare the time?"

To make matters worse, I have a pretty bad head/chest cold. (Yes, I'm sick again. FUCK!) I had a good 10 minute session of lungee clearing before the start. Here too, though, I worked through it.

It was also windy and cool at the start. (And no, Fred / Woody / Solo, you fucks, I wasn't also menstruating during the race.) But after the 10 mile mark, the wind was behind us and temp was no factor.

I am happy with my run.

Total time: 1:38.40..........Pace: 7:32
I ran 1-10 at about 7:35-40 and then picked up a bit for the final 3 (wind behind me at the finish).

This was a good training race. I'm going to take a few days off to get healthy and start in on training for the Mossman Olympic Tri on 6/9.


Heywood Jablome said...

Nice job Al. I am proud of you! Now, I have a few thoughts for you.

1. My wife got the same time you did when she did her first 1/2 marathon. She was sick, menstuating, and missing her right shoe. But nice job.

2. Calling the few readers we have "fucks" is only push them further away, if that is possible.

3. A party at the Fred's casa? Those birds didn't even know why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Do you girls out on LI even have mexicans?

Heywood Jablome said...

"will only push them further" is how it should have read.

Moveitfred said...




P.S. Of course we have Mexicans. Didn't you see the movie, Framingville? And, anyway, my landscraper is Mexican and is very nice. (I think. I don't speak Mexican, so I can't be sure. But he has a very pleasant demeanor.)

P.P.S.S. Does the wife have a watch I can borrow? (I can trade a shoe...?)

Moveitfred said...

Whoops. The movie about the Mexicans is actually titled, "Farmingville." My bad, amigos.

Moveitfred said...

P.P.P.S.S.S.: And we're all very sensitive and down with the whole Mexico de Mayo thing. I actually made hummus for the Fred-B-Cue. And fred's wife toasted coconut to put on our Margarita glasses.

Anonymous said...

Heywood Darling- You forgot to mention that I also had a headache during that 1/2.

Kisses, Mrs. Jablome

Anonymous said...


Who cares about all that.

The faithful want to know about your bowels.



Anonymous said...


"xo" is how it should have read.

Moveitfred said...

Ah yes, my bowels.

Dear Readers (Fucks):

I ate tons of bean related products at the Moveitfred's (honoring the Mexicans the Fred's made many bean based dishes and threw around phrases like, "the beaners" quite a bit). Needless to say, I was a deuce machine prior to race time. It all "worked out" quite well. Unless, of course, you happened to be the poor bastard who followed after me in the port-o-san.

solobreak said...

Glad to hear that the half didn't knock the shit out of you. And what's this about the watch? Don't you at least have a Polar, or a Garmin? I got the Timex watch with GPS from Campmor for about $75. It works as advertised most of the time, and includes all Ironman functions, so I'd say it was worth it. The Forerunner is probably better because you don't need the armband, but it's looks like a TI-82 strapped to your wrist, so it's not that much of an improvement.

When are you fucks going to cross the channel and come to a bike race?

Moveitfred said...

6/9, Al will be in the house (well, in CT anyway. Once I get north of Westchester, everything gets kind of hazy for me