Tuesday, September 4, 2007


In which Al yells, "FUCK!"

Ok, enough of this shit. I am injured again.

It started with a minor calf muscle strain in my left leg about 10 days ago. This happened during a run of the mill 5 miler at a very comfy pace. It seems odd to me that it would happen during a non-challenging, recovery sort of workout, but maybe it was a while in the making. I felt a pull low down in the calf (thought it was the achilles first). I tried to coninue to run a bit more to see if it was a spasm that would sort itself. But it got worse. I stopped and hobbled home.

But I was thinking, then, that it was minor. No real swelling or discoloration, and only a modicum of pain. With some R.I.C.E., I was expecting to be good as new in 2 weeks. And that would not have put a crimp in my triathlon on 9/16 nor in my plans to start off the cross season guns ablazin' shortly thereafter. But then shit happened...

I was dealing with a "this fucking car!" moment on Wednesday of last week. The piece of shit car I commute in decided to quit on me, mid commute, so I had to push the pig off the road.

I stepped out of the fucker and was not even thinking about my leg. It had been feeling great. I was spinning with no resistance and swimming all week and it seemed to be responding. I started to push (not even thinking what I was doing). BANG! A lightening bolt shot up my leg and I hit the pavement with a loud, "FUCK!"

Here I am, 6 days later. I'm rehabbing but the leg is definitely going to be a much slower mend now. My end of season Tri is out. The 1/2 marathon for the end of September is fucked, and I don't know when I'll start cross work. FUCK!

I guess I must expect, as I close in on 40, that injury prevention must be much more a part of my routine. And I could use advice on this. (And fuck you Fred. I'm not coming to yoga with you.) I'm thinking that the calf area will need attention. More focus when I lift on calves. Much more attention to stretching before and after. I'm even thinking of getting one of those massage sticks. (No, Heywood, not like the one you jam in your ass to massage your kidneys.) Maybe this will help. I'm all ears endurance Gurus...


Anonymous said...


First of all, considering the infinite miracle of the internet how is it you continually manage to find the worst low rez pics of the simplest things? Fahkin'A dude, we got standards to uphold here.

Next, ever hear of recovery days? At your age, something's always on the verge of collapse. It ain't the 1980's, bra.

Finally: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Moveitfred said...

Hey Freddy:

How's the rez on this?

Anonymous said...

Choose Life, Al.

gewilli said...

get a stick...

oh and maybe it is just me but the top half of that crappy muscle picture looks like to saggy old man testicles...

but seriously...

them stick things are amazing... esp for my calf muscles after running...

good preventative stuff...

course now that ya gone and fucked em up it ain't gonna do much good except beating the crap out of MIF when he's ridiculing you in person

solobreak said...

Al, seek professional help. I don't have cable and I cut my own hair in order to make room in the budget for professional massage. I would not be training without it. Repeat after me "I am worth it." If your wife objects, have her killed and dumped over in Jersey. It's that simple.

I'm trying the foam roller now. $25 for a piece of fucking foam and a crappy DVD. It's a decent supplement, but no substitute for the real thing.

Lifting and training at the same time, high risk behavior. Not sure when you recover with that scheme.

Maybe you should try a trip to Meg's house too. She will make you tea and crumpets and cover your calves with some sort of soothing flower petals from the garden, with magical healing powers, before taking you out on a gnarly MTB ride where you can bash your knees into oblivion, making you forget all about your sore calf, you fucking pussy.

Heywood Jablome said...

First off, fuck you for that picture of your testies.

As far as the stretching goes, needs to be part of your daily routine. I know it is opposed to what you were told growing up but, stretching before a workout is not the best thing for your muscles. You should focus more on a good warm-up and stretching after your workout. Also, active or dynamic stretching is probably more effective for a superior athlete like you than static stretching. I would love to expand on this but don't want to bore the readers. Email me. One of my less talked about jobs is that of a personal athletic trainer.

megA said...

or stop running.

running will kill you

unless you are a biomechanical god

which, obviously, you are not

try riding your bike

but stop running
