Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Night Fiasco

Just a few fotogs from the friday night racing out on the beautiful east end of the island paradise.

Oh, and this is what happens when you "make boo-boo" at the end of the race. Free night in the ER, stunning neck brace, and a stiff bed. This is how Moveitfred's race ended, but Moveitfred was nowhere near the pavement dance. Moveitfred peeled off early because God told him something like this might happen.

And Moveitfred is going to keep his opinions to himself about that whole thing.


Heywood Jablome said...

Fence rider.

Anonymous said...

Good fences make good bike racers, or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Dude: If you stay away from that green shit, you won't vomit all over yer supper. Is that oatmeal and lettuce you're eating?

Anonymous said...

Lawdy! You must try my mammy's Sea Dream Salad...Yum!

Anonymous said...

Just keep eatin' that fried pork, Al, and save a seat in Hell for Moveitfred.