Sunday, January 21, 2007


So, for those of you still with us after the Nod-Of The-Living Dead-Cast, here is the update on this morning's Manhattan 1/2:

  • First, let me say this about the 15 degree and 10-20 mph wind pre-race/start: FUCK IT WAS COLD. For anyone who missed that, FUCK IT WAS COLD!!! I had layers of shit clothes that I peeled and tossed, a bunch of garbage bags all around me, but still I shivered my ass off. The only thing that sucked close to this was the mile jog back to the car post race. Brrrrrrrr.
  • The start was, as is typical, a cluster fuck. New York Road Runners has been talking about doing wave starts for a while. It was mentioned by the prez of NYRR today again during the pre race speech. BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. The problem: All these dicks ignore the time per mile markers and line up WAY AHEAD of their paces. So it takes a year and a day to get through the start gate and the first mile 'cause you're pushing past slow assholes who enjoy, it seems, being shouldered out of the way. As an example of this, I lined up by the 8 minute per mile marker at the start--only about 100 yards back of the start. But it took me a full 1:10 to get to the start line and then I spent the first mile weaving around and bumping past fuckers.
  • Ice. The course was a bit treacherous. All the water stops were ice rinks and there were a lot of patches of black ice. NYRR worked hard to combat this with ice melt. But it was a losing battle. Saw a couple of runners go down hard.

  • Pace: Really quite happy with my run today. I wanted to do 8 minute miles. Then I got a little freaked with the weather and the course yesterday. I gave it a "we'll see" prediction. In the end, I finished with a 1:44.03 total. This translates to a 7:57 minute per mile pace. Here's the breakdown (with commentary, of course): 1= 8:50 (really a 7:40 as it took 1:10 to get to the start line), 2= 7:55.18, 3= 7:45.65, 4= 7:53.42, 5= 8:27.82 (had to stop at the port o john...revenge of the oatmeal), 6 = 8:24.01 (had to stop again...let's just say "haste makes more waste"), 7= 7:33.34 (pissed about shit), 8= 7:50.05, 9= 7:56.47, 10= 7.55.35, 11= 7:42.08, 12= 7:35.95, 13= 7:28.04. 13.1=1:44.03.
Now I'm off to eat myself silly, lick my wounds, and drink copious amounts of homebrew (I have a crop of lager that is just now "mature," and I am race carbo load y'all).

--Bangorhard Out!

Ps: A
parting shot for you Slow Break


Anonymous said...

You da man, Al. That start had to be the shits. Once settled into a rhythm, cold and wind not bad today, eh?

Hugh G. Balls said...

Actually, the cold wasn't bad once running. And the wind did seem to die. The place it was very cold was the far side of "the rocks" at the base of the big hill at the north end. Really shaded and it seemed 10 degrees cooler when you got there. Course you forgot about it soon after as you were chugging up the hill. Did you ride?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Great day on the trail. Cathedral. Will post some shit later.

GVB said...

I don't believe in much. But I believe in chip timing and wave starts. Period.
Nice race, Al.