Monday, February 19, 2007


Al is not happy. I'm sick again. The last three months have just been a nightmare for me with sickness. Around Thanksgiving, I came down with a cold and it seems like I just can't kick it. Around x-mas, I was on antibiotics, and it seemed like I was on the mend. Then I was down with another and another. It's driven me to the point where I'm taking significant time off from training to heal up (I know, you're saying no duh!) This is something I NEVER do. But I just can't seem to get well, even with rest. I was sick a couple weeks back. I took 10 days off, and I seemed to be back in the game. I worked out just 4 days this last week, and I'm congested and headachy and weak again. WTF!?! I've got two little ones in pre-school, and they seem to be sniffling and coughing pretty frequently. They bounce right back though. (I'm sure they are passing all this nonsense along to me.) Anyway, I'm losing my marbles here. At times, I think I've just got to rest more and let myself heal. But then there is that inner voice that that screams, "courage and determination! Get out there!" Here's a little courage and determination for ya.


Anonymous said...

She got DQ'd because people helped her up near the end.

Anonymous said...

Al, sounds like you got a bad case of Old Age!

Hugh G. Balls said...

Actually, they DQd her for that fucking hat. Serious style faux pas. And that dude was groping her ass there. Watch how she shoves him off. But she's got balls. (And lord knows I appreciate that.)

Hugh G. Balls said...

Scat is dope, yo! Specially on a broad who's been stewing in her own depleted juices all day. But that fucking hat...