Sunday, March 4, 2007

Flat Ethan Sez

it was a prudy nice weekend for gettin' out and puttin' in some road miles here in the nor'east.

Flat Ethan should know. That guy has been around. Here's Flat Ethan down by the docks in Port Jefferson today. He's a seafaring guy, enjoys hanging out with the wharf rats telling tall tales of rouge waves and sirens calling from the depths. Like any man of the sea you can certainly tell that he's got only one thing on his mind when on liberty: gettin' himself some flat Madge cross town at Billie's tavern.

Woodie, you remember Billie's, yo?

Ok, truf is Flat Ethan is the cartoon caricature of Moveitfred Jr's Cali friend Ethan, who sent his flat man our way for some photo ops along the eastern seaboard for a school project. So Moveitfred Jr has been hauling Flat Ethan all round town for exposures. Notice in this shot the wrist guards adorning Moveitfred Jr's appendages. He's sporting those not because of an injury but instead because he's a bad-ass extreme motherfucker who's always ready take on shit and throw down when needed.


Moveitfred got out for a grand total of 70 miles on the road bike this weekend: 30 easy on Saturday and 40 with a bit more zing today. Saturday was nice, weren't it all you mofos in the NE? Moveitfred's only hitch on that day was bombing down his street to the harbor and hitting a patch of ice at the bottom. Moveitfred pulled a Zabel and cleat-surfed his way to safety without going down. Today Moveitfred upped the tempo a bit for 30 miles and then did a few repeats on the local bump in the road. Looks like temps will be dropping back into the 20's for the week ahead. So much for spring.

In closing Moveitfred wants to send a shout out to his pals Al and Heywood. Al was sent on a recon mission by the factory down to facilities in Florida. Al is being paid good money to study the latest in factory technology and to bring that knowledge back to our facility here on the island. Al, we are all looking forward to your report when you return this week. Heywood, what can Moveitfred say besides you better rehab your ass and get back out there in the dirt. Moveitfred and Heywood are having a 2 outta 3 bicoastal hookup along the shores of Lake Michigan in the not-too-distant future. Heywood, you've got to get yoself in prime shape to dismantle Chi-town.

By the way, did you get those Cubbies tix you cheap fucker? (Moveitfred scored some shitty seats to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim--or whatever the fuck they are called--and the dreaded Evil Empire while he and the famdamnly are out in Cali this summer).


solobreak said...

Don't want to see you get the goosegg, so once again I'll propose a blogger summit meeting at the Palmer race. If you boat people can't pry yourselves away from floor sanding and tickling your periwinkles down on the dock with paper puppets, maybe I'll have to come down to the Hairy Hardon Duathlon or whatever the fuck it is down that way in May.

Heywood Jablome said...

I got the tickets covered my friend. Sounds like Fred is out of his funk and back on the roadie. Are you going to bring a bike to Chi-town?

Anonymous said...

No bike in Second City. Four words: Run Along Lake Michigan.

It's where the Windy hotties run.

Blogger summit? Moveitfred smells a tax break.