Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Meg's post referencing those whiny bitches from the Smiths (Goddamn weren't they just so fucking smart!) prompted Moveitfred to post below the current lineup of cds thrown on the floor next to his trainer down in the cold, moldy basement. Yes, correct, Moveitfred does not have one of those fancy mp3 players all you other mofos have for "burning" your stellar mix into a perfect training/HR lineup, so fuck you:

You can shove all that other pretentious music you listen to up your asses, mofos.


solobreak said...

Too bad MIF didn't make it up to Haverhill for the infamous Team BOB banquet last Saturday night. The wusses like the Cronoman, Feltslave, and Zoo all fled shortly after darkness, but the real core of the team stayed on at the historic Oriental Gardens Lounge for the ensuing karaoke that began at 9. Solobreak was on his best behavior this year, so instead of crooning "Me and Mrs Jones" solo, he only participated in a three way with Duano and Armand, belting out "Lawyers Guns and Money" while the throng cringed in their seats. Duano took top honors with a horrendous rendition of "Turning Japanese." You wonder why we're the most despised club in all of cycling...

Heywood Jablome said...

Mofos? Who do you think you are, Solo?
You have most of the great music made except J.R. Cash. Hey Fred, I believe Moveit Jr. has a MP3 player with some great tunes on it. Can you borrow his?

Anonymous said...

Prolly got a recording of a Pat Buchanan speech at the Republican National Convention....

megA said...


you are old.

but cute,

so it's ok.

Hugh G. Balls said...

Bro, Mega called you cute. Awesome.

BTW, Poison is real man on man, pre-ass-play, gimme a reach around will ya? , meet me at the Man Hole kinda stuff.

Reilly Horne-Negal said...

Unskinny Bop?

solobreak said...

Heywood, I know you got bumped on the noggin recently, but I'm not sure who and what you're commenting on? Fred and Al, since you're Bicoastal, care to interpret?

Anonymous said...

When Heywood starts talkin' that hillbilly music he loses Moveitfred.