Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shelter From the Storm

The New York Times (herald of all things urbane and seminal) is calling the gathering disturbance out Moveitfred's window perhaps "the worst storm since 1992." Right now it's just rainin', but apparently several forces of great resolve are synchronizing into a potential catastrophe of historical proportions. In preparation for all this, Moveitfred ran out of the house this morning and down to the local Fourbucks to get himself a to-the-top venti house blend. No cow, no crystals--just straight up black brew. Moveitfred recommends all y'all take it stiff, soupy, and black.

All of this talk of "worst storm since '92" reminds Moveitfred that he was not privy to this last early 90's right coast disaster as he was living out his halcyon days on the left coast, schooling the young Heywood Jablome on the art of the full-throated, celebratory life and basking in the glow of Newport Beach sunsets. Then, in a turn of fate, Moveitfred accepted a position as the new kid in an aging right-coast factory operation in need of a young mind to propel the assembly line into the 21st Century. In time Moveitfred met the perplexing Al Bangorhard, and nothing has been the same since.

Why all this reflective meandering this morning? Boredom, really. Mrs. Moveitfred and Moveitfred's daughter are away west of these parts at a county swim meet where Moveitfred's daughter is undoubtedly schooling the others in her age group in the 50 Breast. Moveitfred's son is intent on assembling a new bow and arrow project in the other room. And Moveitfred...well, he's content nursing his black brew, watching the gathering storm out the window, and posting just a few choice bits of tail to remind him of those warm, glorious Cali days of old.


Heywood Jablome said...

Oh how the days fly by so rapidly. Not many years ago Fred was teaching me the finer techniques of shooting a bow and arrow at a styrofoam rabbit in his back yard. Memories.

Anonymous said...


Can it be that it was all so simple then?

Or has time re-written every line?

If we had the chance to do it all again

Tell me, would we? could we?

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, Moveitfred

Heywood Jablome said...

Would we what? Shoot that little f&*%er again with the arrow? Yeah, why not.

Moveitfred said...

Maybe we should stop fucking around with this blog thing and just get some more minutes on our fucking cell phones. Whaddya say?

Anonymous said...

Then what would all the voyeurs do?

Anonymous said...

Move-it-F-ing Fred...

It's been over 10 years since our rendezvous in the sand, or a phone call from you, and now you are posting pics of me on your blog?!?

You could have called, or written, or stopped by Hooters and at least said good-bye.

Although I'm hurt, I always think of you fondly.

Anonymous said...

Get in line, babe.